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Photography Blog
Please check in regularly to see the latest photographs, videos and other things that may appear here from time to time. Maybe subscribe to get this stuff in your inbox 🙂
Sports Photography
“Sports photography is one of the most exciting and challenging types of photography. Capturing the action at its peak is your ultimate goal; this requires planning and skill.”
Travel Photography
"Travel photography is a genre of photography that may involve the documentation of an area's landscape, people, cultures, customs and history. The Photographic Society of America defines a travel photo as an image that expresses the feeling of a time and place, portrays a land, its people, or a culture in its natural state, and has no geographical limitations."
Performance Photography
"Performance art is a performance presented to an audience within a fine art context, traditionally interdisciplinary. Performance may be either scripted or unscripted, random or carefully orchestrated, spontaneous or otherwise carefully planned with or without audience participation." Wikipedia.
Landscape Photography
“Landscape photography shows spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending, but other times microscopic. Landscape photographs typically capture the presence of nature but can also focus on man-made features or disturbances of landscapes.” Wikipedia
Portrait Photography
“A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person.” Wikipedia
Street Photography
“Street photography, also sometimes called candid photography, is photography conducted for art or enquiry that features unmediated chance encounters and random incidents within public places. … Street photography does not necessitate the presence of a street or even the urban environment.” Wikipedia
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The Latest From The Blog

22nd November Batu Bolong

Baby Barrels, Bingin Beach If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them all in the slider above or below. You are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second to add link to my...

Baby Barrels, Bingin Beach, 22nd Oct 2020

Baby Barrels, Bingin Beach If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them all in the slider above or below. You are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second to add link to my...

Athlete Surfers, PSOI, Legian, Bali, 21.10.2020

Athlete Surfers, Legian, Bali - October 21St 2020 If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them below, you are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second to credit me and link to...

Lots of laughter – Batu Bolong, 20th Oct 2020

Lots Of Laughter, Batu Bolong If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them all in the slider above or below. You are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second to add link to my...

Bullshit Corner, 18th October 2020

Bullshit Corner, 18th October 2020 If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them all in the slider above or below. You are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second to add a...

Glassy – Airport Left, 16th oct 2020

Glassy, Airport Reef, 16th October 2020 If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them all in the slider above or below. You are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second to add...

Getting Creative, Kuta Reef Surf, 11th October 20

Kuta Reef, Kuta, Bali - October 11th 2020 If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them below, you are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second to link to my Instagram account...

Blame The Parents, Balangan, 09th October 2020

Blame The Parents, Balangan, 09th October 2020 If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them all in the slider above or below. You are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second...

Morning Surf Wide, Batu Bolong

If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them below, you are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second to link to my Instagram account @_supersharp. So having complained that...

Batu Bolong Morning Surf

If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them below, you are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second to link to my Instagram account @_supersharp. Getting to the beach was a bit...