Getting Creative, Kuta Reef Surf, 11th October 20
Kuta Reef, Kuta, Bali – October 11th 2020
If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find them below, you are welcome to use these images in your social media especially if you could take a second to link to my Instagram account @_supersharp.
This may very well have been my worst day so far in the water. Failing to set the settings prior to putting the camera in the housing and not checking until I wasn’t in the boat is a mistake I need to be careful not to make again. There were four things that went quite wrong, not checking the setting, mask fogging to the point that it was unusable, fin braking in a particularly strong wave and something else that I can’t remember.
If you are interested to see how I have edited these photos you can check that in the video below.
It was my first time at Kuta Reef and it is a really nice wave with incredibly friendly people, I will be back for sure and would hope to do better next time.
I have had to disguise the mistakes a little bit in the edit using black and white and filters which I wouldn’t normally want to do.
I am pleased with some of the results, this one looks nice in black and whit although I would never have done it if the focus settings were right and the image was sharp.
And this one looks nice with an aged filter.
I will be forever grateful to this lady surfer who left without killing me, she came close at one point 🙂
And this is probably the best shot of the day.
I hope you enjoy the photos, please let me know if you have any feedback or tips for me and my surf photography 🙂

Martin henley
Occasional Photographer
On a mission to become more active and mindful with my photography; to leave the house more often with the intention of taking photographs; to find attractive, interesting and engaging ways to share the images, videos and solutions I discover with others.
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