Sunset. [envira-gallery id="1285"]<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->
Insane Sunset, Balian Beach
If you are only interested to see the pictures you will find those below.
This is another example of why I think of myself as an occasional Photographer. If I hadn’t bumped into an old squash buddy in the supermarket, if we hadn’t spoken about the fact that I haven’t been to his place in Balian – I wouldn’t have experienced this sunset, I wouldn’t have taken these pictures.
I don’t know if I should be beating myself upon for not being out shooting, I have been in Bali for a couple of months and I have been out maybe 10 times. In fairness I have other things to do and I have been pretty productive and successful with those so maybe its OK. Also, It is rainy season, so it isn’t necessarily the best time to be taking photos, although you could argue that there is never a bad time to be taking photos in Bali.
Anyway, it seems like I need a push to be taking photos and thankfully I got one, and here are the pictures.
I actually know what the obstacles are currently. I have recently replaced my kit, and I am having to learn how it all works. On top of that I spent a few months in the UK at the back end of last year and spent a fair amount of money on incidental kit, gadgets like lights, triggers, flashes and filters and I don’t really have the first clue how any of that works. I am happy to practice and I am sure I will come to terms with it all in the longer term, but right now it feels like I have option overload.
I have wanted to shoot with filters for a long time, and maybe because of that I want to use them all of the time. I have a thing about being bothered to do the extra thing, so immediately I arrive somewhere currently I take the trouble to put the tripod up and get the filters out. The trouble is that I don’t know how to use them, and I am often using them when it isn’t appropriate or required.
This sunset was really insane, and thankfully it occurred to me to take the filters off and leave the tripod and have a wander around, the pictures got much better then.
I am aware that I take too many similar photos and that I am often in too much of a hurry to take a lot of photographs and I shoot at the extremes, the widest or narrowest apertures, the shortest or longest exposures, the highest or lowest ISO’s. I really want to get out of that shitty habit. I really want to slow down and think more about every shot.
Anyway, I am really glad that I got to experience this sunset and take these images.
If you have any tips on how I can slow down and take better photos please let me know in the comments.
Martin Henley
Occasional Photographer
Struggling to be take better photographs more often and to find beautiful ways to present and share.
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